Saturday, April 19, 2008

That Good day - Friday!

That Friday became Good Friday,
when your only son Jesus Christ
submitted His Soul to you, Lord!

Only, and only His death on the cross
was greatly honoured as the sinless
became sin and died for the sinful millions!

You are the greatest our Loving Saviour!
as You came in search of us when
we were unholy and enemies to you!

What a wonderful love is Yours, Our Lord!
Yes! You have greatly loved us to the extend of
sacrificing your own only beloved son
so that we receive abundant blessed life!

Lord! Have You stopped Abraham
from killing his own son to teach him that
You will sacrifice your Son for the whole world?

Lord, You have forsaken only once!
That was towards Your own son
to confirm Your love to us
and to give us Your promise that
You will never leave us or forsake us!

I wondered!!

Lord! I wondered
when I knew that
people read you in me!

I start and submit
all my prayers
only in the name of Jesus Christ
to confirm my prayers
are in line with HIS pleasure!

My prayers are with strong faith
realizing Your miracles in my life!

I love to please You with my faith in You - but
Lord I need faith like Yours!