I give all glories to You Lord!
I worship You Lord!
Only You are worthy to be praised Lord!
My Faith in You
Sets me free!
The limitations I have set in me
Were broken to enable me to continue
To enter the bliss of freedom
You have planned for me!
Without my absolute faith in You
It is impossible for me to please you!
I can achieve anything
With my strongest faith in You,
As You strengthen me!
The world and its problems are
Just nothing before for me
As You are with me Lord!
Abundant grace comes only from You;
My faith in You alone can receive it!
Faith is the wonderful gift
You have presented with salvation
Let my faith in your Lordship continue to
Exceedingly grow day by day!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Lord! You only knew these!
Lord, you predestined in your great wisdom,
Prior to the very foundation of the world,
Jesus Christ, His death on the Cross at Calvary,
His victory over Death by His resurrection,
Which ensured our redemption; You sent
Holy Spirit, the Comforter to dwell in us,
Enlighten and guide us, in our Earthly sojourn;
And Jesus Christ, our Saviour at Your right hand,
As our Advocate in Your great presence,
And Heaven, Thy Kingdom, the life Everlasting;
All these for us, your Children, all peoples of the world
But none else, but you only knew these!
You have filled-in all blessings for us in Jesus Christ
And sent Him to Earth to fill us with your Love,
Grace and Peace; but in their great ignorance
None recognised Him; but only you knew these!
Your plans were hidden from mankind,
But succeeded when Jesus stood victorious
By His resurrection defeating Death,
You are The Omniscient God, The Holy Trinity.
Lord in Three Persons! The Triune God,
Now I realize why Christ pleaded with you on the Cross
To forgive the ignorant who condemned, tortured and
Crucified Him, Your Son, as you only knew these truths!
On a sunny wonderful dawn
I was woken up by a melodious music
out of a flourishing flower
This saw the delightful sight of a dewdrop
resting on the fragile tip of a frail leaf!
That flower’s fragrance took my inner thoughts
to a peak of an highest mountain
The hovering gorgeous clouds there
Approached me with million questions!
First it asked me, “Who are you?”
I was surprised but said my name
The cloud answered dissatisfied,
“Sorry, that’s only your body’s name”
It’s questions followed one by one,
It repeated the question” Who are you?”
I said I am the son of my Mother and Father
The cloud replied, “Sorry, that’s nothing new,
do tell me. “Who are you?”
I said I am a graduate from a famous college.
and told my Alma mater’s name with pride
The cloud replied “Sorry, I don’t care it,
do tell me, “ who are you?”,
I said I am a man with body, mind and soul
Thinking that I answered wise, but
it replied, “Don’t confuse me,
do tell me “Who are you?”
Question, answers continued
But fatigued was I, so I slept.
In slumber Jesus Christ came, My Lord told me,
“You are my dear son, I love you!!!!
Am I a Christian or Not?
Others predicted a preacher
While I was laughing inside,
realizing myself in guilt
You have shown the greatest sinner in me
Your love cleansed me
to be a servant of Yours!
Now I start asking mysel
“Am I a Christian or Not?”
I walked into many a church
Wonderful buildings, many denominations
You never advised people
to divide in groups
But wondered to see the
“loving disciples of Yours”
scattered in groups
Sad to know Your disciples
got the name “Christian” and
This name “Christian” sadly added
with “Religion List” along with many
“Discipleship in you” feels
very uncomfortable to be there
It knows pretty well that
You are the Way, the Life and the Truth
Now I am being asked
“Am I a Christian or Not ?”
Lord! You told me
You are the Father-God of
everyone in the world
Christians unfairly claim
that You are belongs to them alone
Other Children of Yours in trillions
look at You as the God for Christians
Amidst Christians the Rich doesn’t get
related with the Poor
The Poor doesn’t want to relate with
the poorest of the poor
Lord! You loved all but
there is no expanded love herein the world
Now I am being asked “Am I a Christian or Not?”
Lord I continue to walk
into many churches
Living with Christians, Non-Christians,
Your Disciples, Sinners, and Atheist
- All your Children
I cry as Corinthians cried unto Paul
Whether I should go by Your word or
by the “Christian-made rules”
I was unknown about the
“loving revolutionist” in me
During my silent spectatorship
for many years
Now I am being asked
“Am I a Christian or Not”
Outside the Churches
I always see beggars and lepers
When I realize they are also Your children
I think of inviting them inside the Church
Or at least construct
a separate shed for them to worship You
Now I am being asked
“Am I a Christian or Not”
May be You have chosen me
to shed my blood
To see the unity and love
amidst the Christians
To free them from the
slavery of Religion, status caste
and Colour
Lord, Jesus Christ, My Master!
What I have said is
only the seed of my worries
You can see the grown up tree
at the sight of a seed
I know for sure You won’t ask whether
I am a Christian or not
As you know I am Your
precious poorest child in the world now
With richest heavenly
blessings and grace,
which are sufficient for me!
Life in Christ
We are the Children of Christ the Lord
From Him we came and To Him we go
Trip from Him is birth and back to Him is death
Days between the two to please Him, is called Life
Purpose of we Christians, the Diplomats of Christ
To make this world to feel and find the Lord in us
Diplomats we comply the commands from His Kingdom,
Never be one with culture that thrives around abundant
We are the bridge connecting Heaven and Earth for His Peace
Our life on Earth must expressly show the Love of God around us
We shall tell the heavenly secrets of being prosperous in all respects
To make sure that those listeners become the envoys for the rest
We perform the duty joyfully with the help and guidance of Holy Spirit
And The Prince of Peace when calls us go back to Him blissfully
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Lord! You have given me freedom
but You are concerned about
my choices and behaviors!
"No to me & Yes to you"
This is the key to establish
Your true freedom in me!
In the world, everything is possible
but all are not constructive and beneficial
Thank You Lord, for Your guidance at all times!
The more I sacrifice
The more I am free!
Your grace alone can set me free
but that is not cheap;
None can buy it for money !
How greatly You love me
by clothing me with Your freedom,
to bring me to Your everlasting kingdom!
Lord! You are not only the God of time
You are the God of timing, as well!
When I desire everything at my time
where is my desire at Your time?
Forgive me Lord, in Your great kindness!
The way I am in now
is the worst disgrace for You;
Still You love and care for me
and continue to bless me
with Your abundant grace!
Forgive me Lord, in Your great kindness!
Lord! Change my heart and fill it with
gratitude, submission and love
to make my vision always look unto You!
Lord! I have only asked for a rose at my time
but in Your time You have given me
a beautiful garden full of roses
Your love is amazing my Lord!
I am in full joy as I realize that
I am in full control of Your greatest love forever!
I Love You Lord!
Lord! You in me
Thank You Lord,
for Your divine guidance
to have Your thoughts in me!
By meditating Your word
I renew my mind to think likeYou
as You are in me!
This is the key to
unlock the heavenly blessings
from You in me!
With patience and faith
I submit my prayers
to continue to have Your joy in me!
I Praise you my Lord
"I have tried everything, now
I can only pray";
This was my attitude!
Lord! Now lifting up the shield of faith
I pray unto you as the first step for everything.
Hence I continue to enjoy the
Fullness of Your joy and peace!
How wonderfully prayer works
With greatest power
When it is submitted unto You!
I realize this grim fact
When you respond instantaneously!
Yes...Your ears are waiting
For my fervent prayers, Lord!
The vast amount of treasures
You have reserved for us shows
Your love, care and grace, and the
Purpose of your painful death!
You have freed us from sin’s guilt
And purified us with your blood!
What can I give you in return
For all your inestimable benefits,
Except surrendering myself
And my life at Your feet!
None of my prayers left unheard
In Your great mercy and Your kindness
I thank and praise You my Lord!
My Loving Lord!
Lord, I know a little who You are,
so my prayers are for the
greatest heavenly blessings!
Your kindness rescued me
from unbearable afflictions
and You comforted me!
You were waiting for me with great love
when I strayed away from You
like a sheep gone astray and lost!
Thank You Lord for accepting me
like a loving shepherd and
transforming me as a flag of Your victory!
What You are in me, and all You are in me
are the wonderful results of
my prayers and my preparation for those!
In my prayers I talk to You;
In my meditation you talk to me
achieving a two-way communication!
My loving Lord! Father of all Creation,
You are my Provider and Protector
then what can my enemies do against me?
I have forgiven them and
You never forget them, my loving Lord,
as the battle of mine belongs to you!
Nothing is permanent except you and your words!
Lord I have realized that my journey is
as per your guidance to your promised Land!
There you will enjoy seeing my great wealth
and great abundance you have for me!
Nothing is permanent except you and your words!
The difficulties, sorrows and pains are
just momentary during this journey
allowed by you Lord
for us to have the stepping stones!
Nothing is permanent except you and your words!
My great excitements settled in you Lord
My prayers are for your strength and long patience
I shall enjoy the journey to your promised land
Nothing is permanent except you and your words!
Our Desire
Our Father in Heaven
We know that you know us!
How greatly are your thoughts
Different from ours!
We gratefully remember, by your blood
You already paid the price for our sins
On the cross for us!
Hence we humbly express our desire
Which we know you that, you wish to hear from us!
Lord, the God of peace!
We express our greatest single desire:
In your mercy sanctify us in love
Our body, mind and soul, we implore!
When we meet one day face to face
Let we people be found the blameless and pure
To stand in your holy, awesome presence
I Love you Lord
World smiles when I am happy
It leaves me as I struggle
World knows not, however
Lord! You are with me forever!
Lord, you will never forget me or forsake me
Then how can I be alone!
I enjoy your presence at all times
Thanks to make me remember you forever!
By knowing your Lordship I know the Truth
By living the disciple life under your leadership
I have the inexpressible joy forever!
Life to please you converts the worries into happiness
Hidden areas in my heart cautioned by your love
In your plans your love forever see me!
By your unmerited favour, grace
I overcome the darkness
To feel and see you in me!
Lord, you said I am the apple of your eyes
Hence I have no worries about me forever!
Heavenly Father!
Lord! Heavenly Father!
We are beset with problems
Only You have solutions for all !
The World, the Flesh and Satan hostile to us - but
Your Truth alone can show us the way
To a Life wonderfully you designed
Singularly for us, eternal, sans time and space!
We come to You with selfish prayers
We forget You in affliction and affluence
Fill our hearts with gratitude forever!
Grant us the grace of patience in tribulation,
While You discipline our souls to be pure as Yours,
To make us worthy of Life with You everlasting!